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Bonding With A Sugar Glider

March 1, 2023

Sugar gliders are becoming increasingly popular as exotic pets. These adorable little marsupials are lots of fun, and are also fairly easy keepers. Of course, it’s important for your gliders to feel safe and secure around you. A local New Albany, IN vet offers some advice on bonding with gliders in this article.

Let Them Settle

Going to a new environment is always very stressful for pets. You want to give your pint-sized pals time to acclimate before trying to handle them.

Give Them The Lead

Sugar gliders all have their own personalities, just as people do. Some are more timid than others. If your furry buddy approaches you, reward them with treats, and perhaps pet them gently. Just don’t force attention on a glider.


Sugar gliders rely heavily on scents to learn about the world. Put something in the cage that has your scent on it, such as a dirty tee-shirt or a pillowcase you’ve slept on. This will help your tiny friends  get used to your smell. 

Hang Out

Spending time with your flying furballs is also important for helping them get used to you. Hang out in the room they are in: put a comfy chair near the cage for reading or watching TV.

Time It Right

Gliders are nocturnal by nature, so they’ll be most active and playful at night. Carve out time for bonding in the mornings and afternoons. Pets are always calmer when they’re tired!

Chat Them Up

It’s important for your gliders to get used to the sound of your voice. Talk softly to them as you’re going about your business. It doesn’t matter what you say: the point is to use a gentle, friendly tone of voice.


Snacks will go a long way towards giving your new pals a favorable impression of you. Just stick with safe options. Dried fruits are popular with these guys, but you don’t want to go overboard with sugary snacks. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Our animal companions all have their own likes and dislikes. As for sugar gliders, their list of favorite things includes things like hammocks, pouches, swings, and climbing toys. Provide lots of these little luxuries, so your cute pets know they are living the good life!

Do you have questions about caring for sugar gliders? Contact us, your New Albany, IN pet clinic, today! 

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