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Bringing Your Senior Pet Home

November 15, 2023

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! Of course, there’s no bad time to bring an older pet into your life. Older animals can make great animal companions. They’re not only super sweet and adorable, they’re usually also very calm. However, going to a new home is a big adjustment for Fluffy and Fido. A New Albany, IN vet discusses helping your furry retiree get settled in this article.


Regardless of whether you’re getting a puppy, kitten, or senior, you’ll need to do some petproofing. With an older pet, you don’t need to be as concerned about chewing and mischief, but you’ll still need to take basic precautions, such as removing any toxic plants and keeping potentially-dangerous items, such as small or sharp objects, out of reach. 

The biggest thing with older pets is keeping them comfortable. Good beds are a must. Fluffy will enjoy senior-friendly litterboxes and furniture that is easy to get in and out of. Fido may appreciate carpet runners to help prevent slips. Ask your vet for tips.

Coming Home

If you’re adopting a dog, it’s best to take Fido for a short walk around the block before bringing him in. He’ll feel safer and more comfortable after he’s gotten an idea of his surroundings. As for Fluffy, keep her in the carrier until you’re indoors. It’s best to put new arrivals in a quiet, separated area, where they can just relax and settle in.

Veterinary Care

A few benefits of adopting senior pets? Fluffy and Fido are most likely already fixed, and should be up-to-date on vaccines and parasite control. Of course, Just like people, pets become more prone to developing certain health problems, such as arthritis, as they age. One of the first things you’ll want to do is schedule an appointment with your vet. A thorough nose-to-tail exam is in order. This is also a good chance to get some specific advice about your new buddy’s diet and care needs.


It’s always heartbreaking to see older pets in shelters. Many are very sad and scared, and don’t understand why they’re there. Others, unfortunately, have been abandoned by former owners, which can be traumatic for them. Don’t force attention on your furry friend: win their trust slowly by being gentle, loving, and consistent. You may be surprised at how quickly Fido and Fluffy melt your heart! 

Please contact us, your New Albany, IN pet clinic, with questions or concerns about senior pet care. We’re here to help!

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